Sunday, September 2, 2012

Meal Planning

A big part of my lifestyle overhaul is changing the way I eat.  I am a junk food junkie.  I love it all!  If it's fried I'll eat it.  Chips, candy, chocolate? Don't mind if I do!  Well that's not getting me the body I want.  Apparently my luck has run out on being able to eat whatever I want and stay thin.  Damn thirties.

So...No more fast food.  No more chocolate from the checkout lane. And no more 32 ounce fountain sodas from the gas station.

In order to accomplish this, I need to plan ahead.  I can't be scrambling at 4:30 to figure out what's going to be for dinner that night.  It's never something healthy!  I have tried meal planning different ways before.  The results?  I don't have my list with me at the store and end up missing ingredients and ditching my plan.  Enter $5 greasy pizza from Little Ceaser's.  Yuck.

So I have a new way to meal plan.  I have created a meal planning page and will print it out weekly and plan my meals.  Then I will 3 hole punch it and put it in the front of my coupon binder so I always have it at the store!  Here is the planner I created.
 Click here to Download and print!

I'll keep you updated on how it's going...I have it all ready for this week!

1 comment:

  1. I love this form! It is just what I have been looking for! I am just a household of 2 (me & 11 yr old son), but I am doing the Weight Watchers program & I think meal planning will better help me stay on track. As well as incorporate some new recipes. Thank you so much for sharing!
