Thursday, July 26, 2012

A comparison...

Aaron is constantly saying how much Lorelei looks like Amelia.  I usually agree.  Everyone else always comments on how much she looks like Elliot.  So I thought I would get out 9 month pictures of Amelia and Elliot and compare!


What do you think?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Aww Shuck!!

I'm an Iowa girl...born and bred. Sweet corn has its own food group, and I could eat it every night of the week in the summer. So while on our recent trip to Dubuque I stocked up on some local sweet corn! No offense to Kentucky farmers but it just isn't as good as Iowa corn!

That being said, I loathe shucking corn! I remember sitting on the deck as a kid in front of a trash can shucking corn. As an adult I have always tried to pawn off this lovely task to my dear husband, while looking forward to the days when I could make my kids do it! Thanks to this awesomely amazing trick, my kids may never have to do it!

Seriously. Did you know you could get perfectly steamed sweet corn out of your microwave?!? Without shucking?!? With none of those annoying silks left to stick in your teeth?!? I just may eat it every night!!

It's so easy! Put your corn on a plate and put it in the microwave. Cook for about 5 minutes per ear. Your time may very depending on the size of your ears and power of your microwave.

When it's done, carefully take it out of the microwave and hold it with an oven mitt. Cut the end off with a sharp knife. (Be careful if your oven mitt has had the thumb burned off!)

Squeeze the ear of corn like a tube of toothpaste and it should slide right out...clean, steamy and ready to eat!

I would show you a picture of my kiddos enjoying their sweetcorn but with the one armed bandit and the toothless wonder we had to cut the corn off!!