Tuesday, January 29, 2013

An update on resolutions...

So the organizing has not progressed as quickly as I wanted.  I've been focusing on breaking some bad habits and making some good ones.

And, for some reason it has been really hard for me to get back in to the swing of things after Christmas break!  Add to that the fact that Lo is walking and climbing everywhere and she's taking a whole lot more supervision!  Even with her gated into the living room, I constantly have to pull her off the couch and last remaining end table!  We've gotten rid of the other 2, but I need at least 1!

The early to bed, early to rise thing has not been going so well!  I've been doing better at the early to bed, but it kinda sucks!  It's been way too long since there's been a ladies' wine night, my coupons and hairbows are behind schedule, and that's the only time I get with Aaron without kids!  Early to rise just isn't happening.  I vow to try harder!

I've been doing a little better with exercising and eating well.  Trying to kick my soda habit! But I am drinking more water and eating less junk and fast food!

The Budget has been going great!  The first 2 weeks we were under budget by over $100!  The second 2 weeks we are going to end up over, but that's due to Lo getting RSV with resulted in 3 trips to the doctor and 2 trips to the ER!  Which means way over budget in gas!

February I am going to try to get going on my organizing projects.  Hoping it goes well!  How are ya'll doing on your resolutions!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Let's Talk Money...

Or lack there of...

We've been looking at budgets for a while...trying to find which method will work best for us.  We've decided to go with the envelope method.  I'm just using some recycled envelopes, nothing super cute.  We've tried tracking on spreadsheets (since I'm married to the excel guru) but I'm really bad about getting on the computer everyday to keep track, and Aaron's even worse!

First up, bank accounts.  We have 4, not including the kids' savings accounts...
1. Family checking- This is the account paychecks go in to and that we pay all the bills out of.
2. Slush Fund- This is were we put 'extra' money.  We also call it the "Fun Fund." Date night, Going out to eat, etc comes out of this account. I'll explain how this works later.
3. Savings- More on how this builds up later too.  This is the account we use for unplanned expenses... Car repairs, unforeseen medical expenses, etc.
4. Untouchable Savings- Money that goes in this account doesn't exist for all intents and purposes.It's for MAJOR emergencies.  Like Aaron's out of a job emergencies!

So...monthly we track all our utilities, loans, Aaron's gas money isn't something we can put in an envelope since it's not something he can cut back on, and the 'untouchable' is money we put in the savings account we don't touch.  Here is the form I use to track it all...

I print it out and put it in a binder each month.  I keep track of the bills as they come in and mark off when they're paid. 
 I use tab dividers with a pocket on each side.  I stick bills to be paid in the front of the divider and move them to the back once their paid until I clean it out at the end of the month.

At the end of the month, any savings from being under budget gets divided in half.  Half goes in the Slush Fund and half goes in Savings.

Envelopes.  Since Aaron gets paid bi-weekly it works best for us to have our envelopes budgeted for 2 weeks at a time.  We have Six...
1. Groceries
2. Gas- This is the gas for the family car.
3. Bree's-This is my money to do with what I want.  Out to eat with friends, a bottle of wine for wine night, a new outfit, etc. all has to come out of this
4. Aaron's-His money to do with what he wants.
5. Aaron's lunch money-If he runs out of this, he has to pack his lunch for work.
6. House money- Non-food expenses.  paper towels, toilet paper, makeup, deodorant, etc...

I print two of these out a month and put them in the binder behind the monthly tracker.
Each envelope also has a two-pocket divider.  The first 2 weeks of the month go in the front pocket, the second two weeks in the back.  Each night we log our receipts and put them in the correct pocket.

This budget will only work if you follow the rules.  If you don't stick to it, it's pretty pointless to go through all this work.
1. (the most important one) When the envelopes empty, too bad.  No more spending.
2. Of course there will be exceptions...Say you've reached your grocery budget and you need milk before payday...You can only borrow from that page!  That weeks envelopes.  No borrowing from next week's grocery budget.

Any extra at the end of the two weeks gets divided in half just like the monthly expenses.  Half in Savings and half in the Slush fund.  NO ROLLING MONEY FORWARD!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First Step To An Organized 2013..

I feel like the first thing I need to get squared away to have the year I want is to set up a budget.  We've never actually had a strict budget.  More on the budget later, today I want to talk about something else.  In order to stay within our budget, I'm a BIG couponer!  I've been a couponer for a while, but it's been very inconsistent, sporadic and disorganized since Lorelei came around!

First, my favorite sites to get good deals, heads up on coupons, and all around couponing advice...

1.  And this is a BIG #1!  hip2save.com  Collin is AWESOME.  She has guides to help newbies, and sets her deals up in such an easy to follow format.  This is my go to site!!

2.  TotallyTarget.com  Great deals at my fave store!  All about Target!  LOVE!

3.  Places to print coupons are many, but my preferred are coupons.com, redplum.com, and smartsource.com

And to give myself a visual reference as to how I'm doing on my couponing, I found an AMAZING! tracker! 
Seriously.  This is amazing.  Check it out here at "happy money saver."  I am SO excited to use this.  I know how I am and I know that seeing it every month will motivate me to do better each month!

I like to think I'm pretty good at the whole couponing thing, so if you have any questions on getting started or getting better ask away!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013...Best Year Yet...

2012 was ok.  The back half better than the front.  2011 kinda sucked.  Some of you know all the reasons, some don't, but it was probably out hardest year as a family.  It started off new years day with a miscarraige, then I was diagnosed with my blood disorder.  We were blessed with a pregnancy shortly after, but it was not an easy one.  I had an episode that was diagnosed as a 'possible' TIA.  Then preterm labor, a premature birth and 2 weeks in the NICU.  Nevermind the family drama that was going on back home that still managed to reach us here.  The 2 shining spots in the year were Lorelei's birth and her DNA clearing her of VLCAD.

2012 we closed in ranks around our little family and recovered.  It was hard on all of us.  Especially with no support system close by.  By spring we (mostly me) were ready to put everything behind us and move on.  I was lucky to find a great friend in someone that started as a running buddy.  She introduced us to an amazing church where we found a great 'family,' and by the time Elliot needed surgery in October we had more help than we could have asked for!  We have truly been blessed with great friends this year!

On to 2013!!  We have 3 HEALTHY kids, great friends, amazing family, and a marriage that has grown stronger through it all.  I don't usually make 'resolutions' but I have some goals for 2013.

1.  SPEND MORE TIME WITH MY KIDS...not just existing as a family in the same house.  I've been very lucky to meet some amazing moms this past year who inspire me to try to be a better mom.  One friend in particular who plays outside with her kids in the dirt, runs around with them in bathing suits sliding into their wading pool, does crafts on a regular basis, all while keeping a clean (I know she'll disagree, but she's crazy) house!

2. GET MORE ORGANIZED...In everything.  I have felt so disorganized since Lorelei came around.  Our house is CHAOS!  And sometimes we have C.H.A.O.S. as in Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome!  My goal for this year is a place for everything and everrything in it's place.  I also want to get back in to couponing.  It has been sporadic and disorganized at best this past year.  My stockpile is non-existent and I know I'm spending way more than I need to.

3. GET HEALTHY!  This is a hard one for me.  I struggle to find time to work out and eat decent meals.  So instead I find myself hanging on to some pregnancy weight, fatigued, and eating on the go.  I was really hoping to lose about 30 pounds before a very important wedding in February...That's not gonna happen so my new plan is to lose at least 10.  Then lose 20 by summer and 30 by the end of the year.  I need to make some serious lifestyle changes to make that happen.

So there it is.  I guess I should also say be a better blogger since I RARELY write with any consistency!  I hope all of you will help keep me on top of things!