Wednesday, June 20, 2012

First Day of Summer

Wow.  Today felt like the longest day of the year!  The day started off well enough.  We went to see the free movie at the theater.  The kids loved it!  Then we went and had a picnic lunch at the park with friends and the kids played on the playground.  I was sitting on the blanket with Lorelei in the shade when I heard a kid I looked around for Amelia and Elliot.  I could see his little blonde head sticking up on the other side of the playground border.  I hollered at him to get up but he didn't.  So I started walking over, when I realized he was laying there crying I started running!  If you know Elliot, you know that him laying there was a BAD sign!  I knew something was wrong.  I carried him back over to the blanket where he laid down and cried.  He was moving it a bit so I tried to convince him to move it more but he just cried.  When I started gathering our stuff to leave he stood there with his arm just hanging at his side!  So I packed up Elliot and Lorelei, left Amelia in the care of a good friend and headed to the children's hospital.  He continued to cry for about 45 minutes.  Also, VERY unlike him!  He dosed off in the car and I thought maybe he was just being dramatic.  But, as soon as I touched it he shrieked in pain.  My poor little bug!

X-rays are the worst!  he was so brave and tough until she tried to turn his arm over.  It's a good thing Aaron met us there cause I barely held it together!  Apparently it doesn't matter if someone is intentionally hurting my kid, or accidentally hurting my kid...I kinda wanted to hurt her!  (She was actually great!)  The x-ray confirmed what I already knew...he broke his forearm.  As far as breaks go it's a minor fracture, but it's still broken!  He has a soft splint for 4 or 5 days to leave room for swelling, then he will have a cast for 3-4 weeks.

It didn't seem to slow him down too much.  I don't know if he was really feeling okay or just trying to be tough but either way he over-did it!  He was crying by bedtime about how much it hurt.

The bright spot in my day was when Amelia told Elliot not to worry because God would make his body better.

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